- Glenohumeral
- A-P glide: VALIDATED
- Cranial-caudal glide: VALIDATED
- Gilchrist test (palm raised test)
- Jobe test
- Hawkins test
- Neer test
- Adson test
- Eden test
- Wright test: VALIDATED
- Acromioclavicular
- A-P glide
- Restriction in the rotations
- Sternal-costal-clavicular
- Mobility associated with the cervical spines
- Omothoracic
- Palpation-radiology correlation
- Glide restrictions
- A-P glide of the radius head
- Rotation of the ulna
- Elbow laterality test
Wrist and fingers
- A-P glide of the radiocarpal joint
- A-P glide of the carpal bones
- Phalen test and similar tests
- Tinel’s Sign
- A-P glide, rotation and decompression of the fingers
- A-P glide
- Rotations test
Knee:Orthopaedics (ligamentary and meniscal) well-studied. Osteopathic
- A-P glide of the upper tibio-fibula
- Ankle flexion-extension test for the superior tibio-fibula joint
- Laterality test
- Anterior-posterior box test
- Knee rotation test
- Compression-decompression test of the tibio-tarsal joint
- A-P glide test of the tibio-tarsal joint
- A-P glide test of the lower tibio-fibular joint
- A-P glide test of the subastragalar joint: VALIDATED
- Mobility test of the calcaneus: VALIDATED
- Cuboid bone test
- Scaphoid test
- Piano key test of the metatarsals
- Open mouth test: VALIDATED
- Protusion/retrusion test
- Diduction test